Dr. John Kattwinkel stated at the American Academy of Pediatrics annual meeting the following concerning baby pacifiers and SIDS: "We still don't know the cause of SIDS but the current thinking is that it is a disorder of arousal. In certain babies the arousal centers may be immature. If these babies were to fall into a deep sleep in a compromising position, such as against a pillow or on their stomachs, they could suffocate because they don't wake up."
The reason pacifier use may reduce SIDS risk remains uncertain. However, according to Dr. Kattwinkel, "there is a theory that pacifier use might change the sleep state of babies by causing them to sleep less deeply." Another theory is that the baby pacifier may help to maintain the baby's airway during sleep.
Regardless of the reason, if studies are showing that baby pacifiers can help prevent SIDS then it can only make sense to give it a try. If the studies are showing that pacifier use has helped to drop the rate of sudden infant death syndrome in half then there must be some merit to it.