Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Do Baby Pacifiers Interfere With Breast Feeding?

Baby Pacifiers


Many new mom's worry about giving their infants baby pacifiers because it will interfere with breast feeding. The studies have shown that as long as the mom and baby have already established a breastfeeding routine that there is no need to worry about a baby rejecting the breast.

Baby pacifiers come in different sizes to accommodate infants through six months and up. The nipples on the pacifiers are smaller for ages 0-6 months and a bit larger for 6 months and up. The nipples on the baby pacifiers typically are made of latex and silicone. They also come in different shapes and serve different purposes. A latex pacifier is more of a general, overall pacifier. The silicone pacifiers typically are designed to help your baby during the teething process or they have an orthodontic scientifically designed shape that helps develop the formation of your baby's teeth, jaws and palates.

For a look at some great pacifiers, visit or click here.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Can Baby Pacifiers Help Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS?

Can Baby Pacifiers Help Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS?

My new baby granddaughter is due at the end of August. As a result, I have started doing some research on baby pacifiers. I had heard both positive and negative things about using pacifiers prior to my research, but now I believe they may even save lives.

While I was at my granddaughter's pediatrician, I saw an article posted on the wall that discussed the relationship of baby pacifiers and sudden infant death syndrome. After reading it, I came home and looked it up on the internet to find out more information. When I did my search I started with the search term on google, "pacifiers and SIDS". I came across many articles that discussed Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Most of those articles were stating that the use of pacifiers in infants can possibly prevent some of the crib deaths that are occuring in record numbers.

One of the theories about why baby pacifiers might be able to help prevent SIDS is that many pacifiers have handles that can flip toward the baby's nose creating an air space between the nose and the baby's covers or bedding. Another theory is that the sucking action may change the way the baby sleeps, possibly causing the baby to wake upon occasion. No one knows for sure. There have been enough studies done since 2005 to give this serious consideration, however. After all, sucking on a baby pacifier can't hurt the baby and with the risk of SIDS being the greatest between ages 2 and 4 months, it may be worth a try.

The 2005 official recommendation by the AAP includes the following:

1. Offer a baby pacifier at nap and bedtime. No one knows why yet, but the evidence is compelling that the use of a pacifier reduces the number of SIDS cases.

2. Continue use of a pacifier from ages 0-12 months at least. Give the baby the pacifier when s/he lays down to sleep. If it falls out after the baby goes to sleep, don't put it back in. Never force a baby to take a pacifier if s/he doesn't want it.

3. Don't coat the babys pacifiers with any type of juice or sugars.

4. Clean your pacifiers often

5. Replace your baby pacifiers regularly (just like toothbrushes have to be replaced)

6. If you are breastfeeding, delay introducing the pacifier until the baby is one month old to ensure that the baby is doing well with breastfeeding.

Remember, in light of these recommendations, it is important to know that SIDS is very rare before the age of one month. The peak age is between ages two and four months and then SIDS rates drop rapidly after the baby is 6 months or older.

You can find more about SIDS by reading Alan Greene MD FAAP by going to Google and typing in "pacifiers and SIDS" .

If you would like a great deal on baby pacifiers and a good selection, please visit the baby pacifier links below. I wasn't as gung ho about them until reading this article. Now, not only can I provide some great products for babies but I can help spread the word that there is hope for preventing SIDS (although there is only circumstantial evidence and plenty of it). If you would like to get a look at some of the wonderful Nuby baby pacifier choices , just click this link to find some great baby pacifiers or visit